My Brazilian Rose

When the day begins, my rose awakens. She sits in her environment displaying her beauty. Some may ask why should I write about this flower. My response would be the following… Her face is breath taking, shining out giving life to all its surroundings. Her eyes,...

The Cube Test

If you want to impress someone, particular a girl you want to date, than do the cube test. It only takes five minutes and it will still amaze the target and lead her to believe you have psychic abilities. Go through each point and get her to write each of them down or...

How One Book Changed My Life

I remember like it was yesterday. This one book changed my whole outlook to life. I was 22 years old, out chilling at my cousin’s house when I stumbled upon on it on his bedroom shelve. I remember my cousin telling me he got the as a gift from someone in...

Greatest Business In The World!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many people say 1985 was a pivotal year for them. Some say it was a good, others would say it was a terrible year for them. This is a story about two entrepreneurs who owned completely different businesses at that time. These two...

The Trump Putin Affair

Last week the CIA confirmed Russia tried to affect the outcome to the US elections. They hacked into American servers and took measures to make certain measures to make sure Donald Trump would win the Presidency. At first this sounds a little crazy. I got to admit...