YouTube CPM Rates On Courses!

Which Courses, Tutorials, and Lectures are making the higest CPM on YouTube? 1. Programming Courses ($8 – $12 CPM) 2. Video Game Tutorials ($8 – $12 CPM) 3. Health and Wellness Tutorials ($7 – $11 CPM) 4. Educational Lectures ($7 – $11 CPM) 5....

YouTube Niches That Will Make You Rich!

Highest CPM niches on YouTube 2023 1. Gaming 2. Technology 3. Education 4. Beauty & Fashion 5. Health & Wellness 6. DIY & How-To Videos 7. Music 8. Celebrity & Entertainment 9. Food & Cooking 10. Sports & Outdoors What are the CPM rates...

10 Inspriational Quotes

10 Inspriational quotes 1. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill 2. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt...

50 Best Sales Headlines

50 best sales headlines 1. Limited Time Offer: Get 50% Off Now! 2. Buy One, Get One Free! 3. Hurry Up! Last Chance to Get This Deal! 4. Incredible Savings on All Your Favorites! 5. The Ultimate Sale Is Here! 6. Unlock Unbelievable Deals Now! 7. Get Ready for...

Sub-Topics In Self Help

Write sub-topics in self help 1. Dealing With Stress 2. Time Management 3. Building Self Confidence 4. Setting Goals 5. Healthy Habits 6. Communication Skills 7. Overcoming Fear 8. Fostering Positive Relationships 9. Developing Resilience 10. Practicing Mindfulness...

How To Get Good Business YouTube Ideas

How To Get Good Business YouTube Ideas 1. Research what’s trending in your industry. What topics are people discussing? What questions are they asking? 2. Ask your current and potential customers what content they’d like to see. 3. Create a list of topics that you...

Formula For Writing Sales Copy

Formula for writing sales copy 1. Identify the target audience: Determine who you are writing for and what their needs and desires are. 2. Craft a strong headline: Your headline should grab the reader’s attention and compel them to read the rest of your copy. 3....

10 Unique Titles On…

10 Unique murder mystery titles 1. The Murdered Mansion 2. A Night of Deadly Intrigue 3. Death by the River 4. The Unsolved Mystery of the Missing Witness 5. The Trail of Betrayal 6. A Deadly Masquerade 7. The Shadow of Suspicion 8. The Fatal Masquerade Ball 9. The...

Introduction To Free Publicity

Free publicity is the process of using the media to promote a business, product, service, or event without spending any money. It involves using creative strategies to attract attention, such as writing press releases, leveraging social media, and leveraging existing...

YouTube Secrets That Make Money!

What thumbnails work well in Youtube? Thumbnails that work well in YouTube are those that are eye-catching, colorful, and include text that is easy to read. Thumbnails should be relevant to the video content and should also be high-quality and clear. Additionally,...

How To Become A Millionaire With YouTube?

How to become a millionaire with youtube? 1. Create quality content: The first step to becoming a millionaire with YouTube is to create quality content that adds value to viewers. Your content should be unique, informative, entertaining, and engaging. 2. Develop a...

Steps To Making Money With YouTube!

20 examples of what type of youtube videos can i make get the most views with little money? 1. Unboxing videos 2. Prank videos 3. Tutorials 4. How-to videos 5. Life hacks 6. Gaming videos 7. Q&A videos 8. Challenges 9. Product reviews 10. Collaborations 11....

Make Money With ChatGPT

Give me 10 practial examples I can make money with chatGPT? 1. Selling virtual goods (e.g. virtual gift cards, virtual currency) 2. Selling access to premium chatbot features 3. Offering subscription services for access to exclusive content 4. Sponsored content or...

What is Clickbait Thumbnails?

What is Clickbait thumbnails? Clickbait thumbnails are images used in online advertising or other online content that are designed to attract attention and entice people to click on a link. These images are often provocative or sensational in nature, and they are used...

Vertical Videos vs Landscape Videos?

Creating vertical videos vs landscape videos Vertical videos are video content that has been shot or edited so that it is taller than it is wide. This format is best for social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat, as it takes up more of the screen real...

What is Google Ads Call Ads?

What is Google Ads Call Ads Google Ads Call Ads are a type of Google Ads campaign that allows businesses to advertise their phone numbers in search engine results. When someone searches for the business, the phone number is displayed in the search engine results,...

20 Reasons Why Use Short Form Videos!

20 reasons Why use short form videos 1. Reach more people quickly with a shorter video. 2. Increase engagement with your audience. 3. Increase brand recognition. 4. Capture attention quickly. 5. Make complex topics easier to understand. 6. Easily shareable on social...

YouTube Secrets To Make Money!

How to get millions of subscribers in youtube 1. Create high-quality, engaging content: You need to create videos that people will want to watch and share with their friends. Focus on creating content that is entertaining, informative, and relevant to your audience....

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that can be used to create interactive conversations with customers. It is powered by a deep learning model called the GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) model, which is one of the most advanced AI models...

The YouTube Algorithm

The YouTube algorithm is designed to help viewers find videos they’re interested in, based on their viewing history, search history, and other criteria. The algorithm works by analyzing viewer data, such as the time of day when a video is watched, the length of...

How to Increase Traffic Into Your Website

How to increase traffic into your website 1. Optimize for search engines: Make sure your website is optimized for search engine rankings by using relevant keywords in your content and meta tags. 2. Generate quality content: Quality content is key to getting more...

Benefits of Network Marketing

Benefits of Network marketing 1. Low start-up cost – Network marketing typically requires a minimal investment, making it a great option for those who are just starting out or have a limited budget. 2. Residual income – With network marketing, you can...

Benefits of Funnel Sales Model

Benefits of funnel sales model 1. Increased efficiency: The funnel sales model helps streamline the sales process by providing a step-by-step approach to lead generation, qualification, and conversion. This enables companies to focus their resources on the most...

The Difference Between Blog and Email Marketing

Blog and email marketing are two totally different things. They are two complete different ways to market something, whether it is a product, or a service. You are going to find that just because someone may use email marketing to make an income, does not mean that...

Blog Marketing For Money

Blog marketing is something that most everyone is doing that owns a blog. You are going to find that many of them are blogging for money, and many are not. The numbers really vary and depend on what you are looking at. If you are wanting a home business that consists...

Setting Up Your Email Marketing Campaign

When it comes to finding a good email campaign manager you can either hire an outside firm to oversee your email marketing efforts, or get someone from your company. The option you choose will depend on your budget, your needs, and the desired results…. but...

Boost Business Profits With Joint Ventures

Partnering and networking with other companies is critical if you want to increase your profits. Many online marketers regularly practice JV partnerships. However, many people donít use them effectively for local business. Here are two ways to do it: #1) Cross...

How to Become an Online Infopreneur

Information marketing has taken the internet by storm. As more and more people begin utilizing digital information, and reading and learning online, more opportunities open up for information marketers. If you have specialty information or have a passion for a topic,...

Blog Marketing and Home Businesses

Blog marketing is something that all blog owners do. They market their blog so that they can get readers, and make a profit from their blogs. Marketing their blog means to get it out there so that others that are interested in it can find it and read it. It is also a...

Press Release – Free Publicity

I created my FIRST press release, it took me a most of the day. All the media outlets here in the UK are talking about BREXIT. Therefore I used this as leverage in my press release. I saved the document as a PDF and immediately sent it to the two radio stations...

Secrets to Selling Anything

Know Your ABCs Irrespective on the situation of your promotions. You always have to follow the ABC rule. This stands for ‘Always Be Closing’. Become a courageous assumptive closer on all communication outlets. Yes or Yes Approach Use the ‘Yes’ or ‘Yes’ over the close,...

The Three ‘M’ Triangle

The Three ‘M’ Components Before spending any money on promotion you have to review the following three components in sequential. These are: • Message • Market • Media Very often companies will focus their time, money and effort on the ‘Media’ component but forget the...

Marketing Weapons

If your a business owner or considering to become one. Than it’s important for you to read this article. Please make the effort to carve out some time immediately. Find a quite place to read this page in its entirety. Deciding to skip any part of this could cost you a...

Emotional Reasoning

Why People Buy! It has long been believed people buy because of ‘need’. This is not the case. People buy because of ‘want’. I’m sure you have come across this yourself while purchasing items. For instance everyone will come up with a logical reason why they got that...

My Brazilian Rose

When the day begins, my rose awakens. She sits in her environment displaying her beauty. Some may ask why should I write about this flower. My response would be the following… Her face is breath taking, shining out giving life to all its surroundings. Her eyes,...

The Cube Test

If you want to impress someone, particular a girl you want to date, than do the cube test. It only takes five minutes and it will still amaze the target and lead her to believe you have psychic abilities. Go through each point and get her to write each of them down or...

How One Book Changed My Life

I remember like it was yesterday. This one book changed my whole outlook to life. I was 22 years old, out chilling at my cousin’s house when I stumbled upon on it on his bedroom shelve. I remember my cousin telling me he got the as a gift from someone in...

Greatest Business In The World!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many people say 1985 was a pivotal year for them. Some say it was a good, others would say it was a terrible year for them. This is a story about two entrepreneurs who owned completely different businesses at that time. These two...

The Trump Putin Affair

Last week the CIA confirmed Russia tried to affect the outcome to the US elections. They hacked into American servers and took measures to make certain measures to make sure Donald Trump would win the Presidency. At first this sounds a little crazy. I got to admit...

Leave Marketing Breadcrumbs

Lets Be Honest Which of these scenarios are you in? You are struggling to get good enough conversions. Your competitors are eating a larger share of the pie than you. Has your company hit a plateau in sales and unable to move further? Very important question to ask...

Government WMD Marketing Scam

Companies are not the only organisations that launch marketing campaigns. Governments also release their fair share. None of them have been so big and elaborate than the marketing scam to start the Iraq war. Straight after when the World Trade Centre buildings were...

Your New Secret Weapon

His name is Alan Forrest Smith. He is a Consultant who is a world leading authority (within multiple industries) on business strategies for companies big and small. He has helped to generate millions of dollars for himself and his clients. He has also turned around...