Secret To Running A Great Business

Sally’s Shampoo Marketing Dilemma The following story is really a ‘Million Dollar’ nugget from Marketing Experts. It’s super easy to follow, it can make you a tone of cash at a fast pace. Yet amazingly I see this mistake happening ALL the time. Most likely by the time...

Marketing No Longer Easy!

We all live, breath, eat and sleep in a marketing bubble; we are constantly being bombarded with it. On the whole, the general public has become desensitized from all the information, this is to compensate from being overwhelmed. It is because of this we have become...

Car Letter Example

It’s 10am Monday morning. Tim is sitting at his desk looking out the window at all the cars in the showroom. It’s a beautiful morning with blue skies. But Tim is unhappy. “Why am I not getting anyone looking at my cars?”. This is a good question to ask. He knows...

A Tale of Two Outcomes

Meet The Brothers This is a true story. Listen closely to what happened. And how it can affect you personally. It starts with identical twin brothers Tim and Terry. They once owned a successful shoe company. One day they had a huge falling out. In the end, they...